Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Research reflection paper

Research reflection paper

research reflection paper

 · Reflection is a very important mental activity, both in private and professional life. This study assumes that reflection is “a turning back onto a self” where the inquirer is at once an observed and an active observer (Steier, , p. ).Reflection aims at understanding the forms of intelligibility by which the world is made meaningful; in the heuristic context of the Cited by: 70 How to Write a Reflection Paper: Guide with Example Paper  · Organizing a reflection paper. A typical sample reflection paper is short and sweet. For this reason, write a reflection paper that is between to words long. However, your tutor can recommend the word count of the paper and it is always to meet his or her recommendations

How to Write a Reflection Paper: Guide with Example Paper | EssayPro

The completion of the Research Report as a part of degree requirements has involved my engagement in a highly challenging and motivating research experience. The following texts represent the skill and learning statement that reflect the implications of the research experience on my personal and professional development.

The skill and learning statement includes the implications of interactions with mentor, an analysis of the extent to which research questions have been answered, a brief analysis of research reflection paper and communication skills and their relevance to the research, as well as the contribution of the research experience to my professional and personal development. I had chances of meeting my project mentor three times and obtained practical support regarding various aspects of the work during these meetings.

Our first meeting was mainly dedicated to clarifying our expectations from the research experience and the discussions took place related to the issues of selection of the research approach and formulation of research questions and objectives, research reflection paper.

By the time I had a meeting with my mentor for the second time Introduction and Information gathering chapters of the work have been completed and I received detailed feedback for these chapters of the research, research reflection paper. Also, discussions were held about data analysis and presentation associated with the project.

During the final meeting with my mentor the overall work has been scrutinised and a set of specific points have been mentioned by my mentor. Specifically, my mentor raised a point that my discussions of research findings lacked depth and scale, research reflection paper.

Then, these points have been addressed and the final draft of the Research Report was completed. I found advices given by my mentor very helpful in terms of increasing the quality of my Research Report and equipping me with knowledge of effectively conducting similar studies in the future in general.

Moreover, my Project Mentor was not only highlighting the shortages that were associated with my project, research reflection paper also was giving detailed explanations why these changes were desirable in a passionate manner, research reflection paper. Furthermore, I found these research reflection paper sessions with my mentor to be highly motivational and informative research reflection paper because they have increased the level of my personal interest in conducting businesses studies.

Prior to conducting the Research Report and having discussions with my mentor I was assuming conducting analytical business studies to be a rather boring experience, research reflection paper.

However, thanks to my mentor I learned to appreciate the importance of analysing a business case in terms of identifying a current strategic and financial position of a business, and formulating the ways of identifying further strategic options available to research reflection paper business. Answering the research questions in my Research Report were directly related to the quality of secondary data, research reflection paper, and the choice of methodology.

Therefore, these issues were approached effectively by critically assessing the validity of the sources of secondary data and assessing alternative choices of methodology. Moreover, my first meeting with my Project mentor was mainly devoted to the discussion of the same issues.

As a result of comprehensive analysis the most reliable sources of secondary data in order to be used in Research Report were found to include published financial statements and annual reports, textbooks on financial and business analysis, information published in official company website, information available from ACCA website, as well as, various business journals an newspapers.

The choice of methods for conducting the study, on the other hand, was guided by the reliability of the data analysis methods and their relevance to the research issues. After spending additional amount of time research reflection paper the choice of appropriate methodology and taking into account advises of my mentor, financial ratios and analytic tools have been chosen to be employed in my Research Report, research reflection paper.

To summarise this part, it is fair to state that all of the research questions in my Research Report have been effectively addressed, because the secondary data have been obtained from reliable sources, relevant methodology has been used to conduct the study, and the research findings have been critically discussed. I have demonstrated my interpersonal and communication skills at various stages of doing Research Report and preparing for and making the presentation, research reflection paper.

Moreover, without my interpersonal and communication skills completing the Research Report and doing the presentation would have proved to be highly challenging. For example, my listening skills have proved to be highly valuable in terms of understanding vital information given by my mentor about increasing the quality of my Research Report, because these advises were fully understood and implemented into the practice.

My interpersonal skills have also played a positive research reflection paper when I asked some of my trusted colleagues to be an audience when I was rehearsing my presentation. I was making presentations in front of my colleagues and was asking for their opinions about the quality of my presentation.

This practice took place many times in different settings and I believe that following this strategy has enhanced the quality of my presentation and research reflection paper marks. However, my communication skills have played a crucial role in terms of succeeding in making the presentation effectively. I have learned from my experiences within and outside of academic settings that communication skills play the most crucial role in terms of succeeding in personal and professional lives.

For instance, an individual may possess a deep knowledge about a certain area. However, if the individual lacks competency of communicating his or her ideas, knowledge and feelings in an effective manner, the research reflection paper competency of the individual and the level of his or her contribution to the organisation will always remain compromised.

Therefore, in my opinion, regardless of the field, industry research reflection paper type of organisation, communication skills can be specified as a compulsory attribute for an employee in order to be considered an a competent. In my case in particular, my advanced level of communication skills have enabled me to do my Research Report presentation effectively which has resulted in positive acclaim from my peers and mentor. Conducting the Research Report and doing the presentation has increased the level of my professional competency in several ways.

First of all, I have to mention the fact that I have developed a critical mindset towards solving business issues research reflection paper a result research reflection paper conducting the Research Report. My mentor made it clear that it was important to critically analyse related issues in Research Report rather than just offering description of the issues and supplying calculations, research reflection paper.

The mentor had stressed many times that critical analysis and discussions are the elements of the work that increase its value. For the same reason I had to revise my Research Report several times until my mentor was satisfied with the level of critical analysis the work had included. Although, such an approach to work seemed to be very challenging and confusing during the research process, I appreciated the value of critical research reflection paper once the final work was completed.

The skills of critical analysis that I have developed and applied in Research Report can easily be applied when real business issues would need to be resolved by me in the future in my professional capacity. Completing research reflection paper Research Report was similar to project management in real businesses environment in terms of strict deadlines, scarcity of resources, organising and planning, scheduling meetings, doing presentations etc.

Therefore, the skills I developed during the process of completing Research Report can be used in order to successfully manage business projects in the future. Moreover, research reflection paper, my writing skills have also been greatly improved as a result of engaging in Research Report, research reflection paper. Despite the popular opinion that with the increasing importance of information technology the practice of writing letters and reports are being replaced by alternative means of research reflection paper communications, the importance of writing will always remain significant for business managers.

From this point of view engaging in Research Report was a very beneficial experience for me on a personal level. Specifically, writing the paper of almost ten thousand words in total, research reflection paper, including this personal reflection, has made me better prepared to join the full-time workforce once my studies are completed, research reflection paper. Lastly, as a result of research reflection paper the Research Report my professional interest on the research reflection paper associated with corporate strategy has been enhanced.

Moreover, I am planning to continue studying the issues of corporate strategy and that knowledge would benefit me in the future as a corporate leader, research reflection paper. On a personal level I benefited from conducting the Research Report and doing the presentation in a number of ways. The research experience with Oxford Brookes has increased the level of my motivation for studying, making bold plans for my future career and implements necessary measures and initiatives in order to accomplish these plans.

My mentor deserves to be mentioned here specifically for all encouragements and practical tips that can be applied in various alternative settings apart from academic life. The level of my self-confidence has also been increased because I could complete the Research Report in time. Moreover, the presentation experience has increased the level of my self-confidence dramatically, research reflection paper, because I understood that if I could do a successful presentation in front of research reflection paper mentor and colleagues, doing the presentations of multi-million projects in front of top executives was just a matter of time.

The paramount importance of self-confidence for an individual is an undisputable matter. Self-confidence allows us to set ambitious plans and utilise all the available resources efficiently in order to achieve these plans.

My time-management skills have also been improved by the end of the Research Report. This is because there was a specific deadline for both, the Research Report and presentation and I had to adopt some principles related to time management in order to be able to submit my work on time.

Research reflection paper principles included setting specific deadlines for each chapter of the work, research reflection paper, and above all, dramatically cutting the amount of time I used to browse social networking sites on the internet. I can highlight this fact as one of the most substantial gains in a personal level.

This is because prior to the research experience I used to spend several hours a day browsing a set of social networking sites with no real benefit whatsoever. However, once the priority was given to the Research Project, this bad habit was dealt with effectively and irreversibly. To summarise, completing the Research Report and making presentation with Oxford Brookes University following my ACCA course has increased the level of my preparedness to join the full-time workforce and successfully utilise my energy and knowledge, research reflection paper.

In my opinion the biggest benefit I received from enrolling to this course of study is that the course of study, the Research Report and doing the presentation have made me to believe in my skills and capabilities and they have also awoke my desire to approach studying as a lifelong process. Moreover, I have obtained a set of professional and personal gains as a research reflection paper of completing the Research Report and making presentation that include the development of a critical mindset, improvement my writing and time management skills and enhancement of the level of my self-confidence.

Category: Finance. Tags: Skills.

Reflective Essay (Examples, Introduction, Topics) - EssayPro

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Personal Reflection Sample: preparing a Research Report for ACCA - Research-Methodology

research reflection paper

 · Reflection is a very important mental activity, both in private and professional life. This study assumes that reflection is “a turning back onto a self” where the inquirer is at once an observed and an active observer (Steier, , p. ).Reflection aims at understanding the forms of intelligibility by which the world is made meaningful; in the heuristic context of the Cited by: 70 Reflections on Research., School of Education Reflections on Research Newly qualified teachers reflect on their final-year undergraduate projects and consider how their research has enhanced their own teaching and children’s learning Edited by Lesley Mycroft, Mike Lambert & Jeff Serf With foreword by Professor Caroline Gipps f Estimated Reading Time: 15 mins  · Organizing a reflection paper. A typical sample reflection paper is short and sweet. For this reason, write a reflection paper that is between to words long. However, your tutor can recommend the word count of the paper and it is always to meet his or her recommendations

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