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Research papers on human trafficking

Research papers on human trafficking

research papers on human trafficking

If you need help writing your assignment, please use our custom writing services and buy a paper on any of the criminal justice research paper topics. This sample research paper on human trafficking features: + words (33 pages), an outline, APA format in-text citations, and a bibliography with 35 sources Research Papers on Human Trafficking. Here is an example of human trafficking paper written in APA format. You can have such a paper written by best college paper writing service in just few hours. What is Human Trafficking? In a world full of vices, there are crimes and human rights violations that generally shame us all An Introduction to Human Trafficking: Vulnerability, Impact and Action BACKGROUND PAPER The effort was led by Kristiina Kangaspunta of the UNODC Anti-Human Trafficking Unit, with the key papers researched and drafted by Michèle Clark, Judith research initiatives and creating an evidence-based report on global trafficking trends. 8. To

Human Trafficking Research Papers - blogger.com

This sample Human Trafficking Research Paper is published for educational and informational purposes only. Like other free research paper examples, it is not a custom research paper. If you need help writing your assignment, please use our custom writing services and buy a paper on any of the criminal justice research paper topics, research papers on human trafficking.

Major Contributing Factors to Human Trafficking. Traffickers, Their Victims, and the Research papers on human trafficking Who Buy Humans. Characteristics of Customers or Consumers of Human Trafficking. Why Do Victims Remain Hidden From Authorities? Current U. Efforts to Stop the Sale of Humans. Human trafficking is arguably one of the most profitable transnational crimes today. There are some scholars who contend, however, research papers on human trafficking, that human trafficking may eventually surpass the net profits yielded from the sale of drugs and weapons Farr, ; Shelley, Because drugs and weapons have a finite usage while humans can be sold multiple times, profits for the sale of humans accrue seemingly infinitely depending on how many occasions a sale is made.

The sale research papers on human trafficking humans is also one of the most deplorable crimes. Yet, it is not only a 21st-century phenomenon.

Although slavery was abolished in the United States with the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment inthe practice of selling and exploiting the will of humans continues to occur Bales, Inthe United States enacted legislation to stop the sale and exploitation of human beings. The law Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of prohibits both sex trafficking and labor trafficking.

Sex trafficking involves the recruitment, research papers on human trafficking, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act e. In contrast, labor trafficking is the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion, for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery U.

Department of State, While sex trafficking usually involves the forced prostitution of men, women, or children, labor trafficking can include situations where men, women, or children are forced into servitude in virtually any type of occupation such as domestic service e.

In simple terms, human trafficking is the sale and enslavement of human beings where, after being bought and sold multiple times, they are forced to labor against their will. Globally, 4 million people are believed to be victims of this crime each year Farr, Nationally, the U.

Department of State estimates thattopeople are trafficked into the United States annually. The size and scope of this worldwide concern is difficult to truly estimate. Trafficking in humans is generally a clandestine crime that tends to remain hidden from police authorities. However, there is enough information to confirm that men, women, and children become vulnerable victims of this crime every day in virtually every country across the world.

There are many factors that contribute to this large-scale and covert problem, most of which are felt across the globe, such as economic and political instability, massive worldwide poverty, and the disenfranchisement of groups of individuals Bales, ; Farr, ; Scully, ; Shelley, The purpose of this research paper is to present a historical and contemporary assessment of human trafficking as well as discuss ways in which victims are recruited by those who make it research papers on human trafficking livelihood to sell and enslave human beings.

Although human trafficking is described as the modern-day form of slavery, the practice of selling and enslaving humans is not a new occurrence.

Ancient Egypt, for instance, used slaves to build its immense pyramids. Portugal, during the 15th century, bought and sold slaves from Africa and Europe. In the 18th century, the Transatlantic Slave Trade between Europe, Africa, and the Americans facilitated the sale of humans sometimes in exchange for weapons and molasses Bales, The history of the United States is also immersed in slavery.

Prior to the Civil War, it was not uncommon for southern plantation owners to sell their slaves at public auction. Although not yielding large profits, the sale of slaves was an established business, since they were so desperately needed for the economic subsistence of the South.

Slaves were considered an inexpensive and dependable source of labor, albeit a forced and exploitative one. The passing of the Thirteenth Amendment, which abolished slavery infinally put a stop to the physical and sexual abuse endured by slaves in the United States. Kevin Bales, author of Understanding Global Slaveryargues that historical examples of slavery in the United States pale in comparison to contemporary examples of human trafficking. Though he does not negate the fact that pre—Civil War slavery was appalling, he contends that at least southern slaves were considered valuable resources for plantation owners who were generally unwilling to quickly dispose of their revenue-making commodities.

Thus, minimal steps were taken by slaveholders to maintain the existence of slaves, although with gross negligence. Today, victims that fall research papers on human trafficking to human trafficking are usually considered disposable.

Most victims are research papers on human trafficking multiple times to multiple customers, and there is little attempt by traffickers or customers to maintain their well-being. Though the above examples mainly demonstrate early instances of labor trafficking, sex trafficking also has an extensive history.

Scully states that the history of human trafficking, research papers on human trafficking, particularly sex trafficking, can be divided into three distinct time periods: 1 the s to the early s, 2 the late s to World War I, and 3 through World War II. During the first time period, the demand for indentured servitude around the world coupled with the mobilization and migration of non-Western males fueled the trafficking of humans. Places such as India, Burma, and Ceylon present-day Sri Lanka, an island to the southeast of India needed indentured slaves to help extract gold and diamonds from mines and for construction projects like railroads, while places such as Hong Kong, Singapore, and the cities of Shanghai and New Delhi became popular destinations for indigenous as well as foreign businessmen pursuing commercial endeavors.

Poverty and economic depressions experienced by such locales as India, China, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Pacific Islands additionally created not only a willing supply of migrants traveling in search of employment opportunities but also criminal entrepreneurs eager to make a profit by facilitating the sale and transportation of the most vulnerable groups of humans.

The convergence of these factors generated a transnational sex market. In the late s, prostitution migratory routes became more prominent throughout Asia, the Middle East, the Americas, and Europe.

Prostitution rings also became more organized. However, sex markets were highly stratified. Factors such as the race, ethnicity, and nationality of prostitutes were elements that determined not only their market value but also the type of employment environment for which they could dispense their sexual services.

American and European women, for example, research papers on human trafficking, commanded an elite status and thus tended to set up their own business ventures, whereas Chinese women were driven into brothels owned by organized criminal groups. The stratification of prostitution, particularly for those not in the privileged status and not controlled by a criminal organization, forced prostitution onto the streets, making it more visible and controversial.

As a result, various civil and social organizations formed coalitions to end prostitution, regardless of whether sexual services were sold in high-priced brothels or on research papers on human trafficking street.

Although some European women voluntarily chose such a profession and traveled across the world to establish bordellos, the LNVA sustained support from other coalitions in Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Russia, Belgium, France, Switzerland, and Austria.

Support was so strong that an international agreement was signed in by several countries to address the white slave trade. The signatories of the agreement pledged to a establish a central repository to collect information on the number of European women forced into prostitution as well as share such information, b remain observant at ports of entry by asking women to declare their nationality and reporting to authorities which European women were forced to travel to foreign countries to engage in prostitution, and c supervise brothels to ensure that European women were not employed in such establishments.

The international agreement had no provision declaring the sale, transportation, and forced prostitution of European women illegal. Accordingly, the agreement served only to call attention to the problem and to reveal a racial divide.

It was not until that women of color were included in international agreements to combat forced prostitution or trafficking. It was also in that a new international agreement was signed by the League of Nations now known as the United Nationsadvocating for the prosecution of any person who trafficked women or children; however, despite international agreements, little changed in terms of eradicating prostitution. Even though there was more vigilance of forced prostitution by anti-trafficking coalitions, the demand for sex markets continued.

Also, despite the universal consensus that no person should be coerced or forced into prostitution, there continued to be a lack of consensus around the world regarding the abolition of prostitution as a whole. There were some countries who opined that prostitution, so long as it involved the consensual exchange of services for money, research papers on human trafficking, should be legal.

Though the migration of prostitution was affected by the relocation of male businessmen legitimate and illegitimate throughout the world during the first and second time frames identified by Scullyprostitution and sex trafficking were also affected by the deployment of troops.

This was the case during World War I and also World War II. Farr notes that military troops have engaged in the rape of many women while deployed in foreign countries.

The deployment of troops also contributed to establishment of brothels to provide the soldiers with access to prostitutes. Today, the exploitation of humans for various types of labor and sex continues to thrive. Humans are used for a variety of servitude, including the following:. In the United States, prostitution is the most common form of trafficking, followed by agricultural work U. Prostitution is also the most common type of trafficking worldwide.

Globally, as well as in the United States, research papers on human trafficking, women are most often victims of human trafficking followed by children, primarily girls United Nations Office research papers on human trafficking Drugs and Crime [UNODC], Children are most often used in sex tourism operations.

Sex tourism involves the enticement to travel abroad for the sole purpose of engaging in sexual escapades, usually with minors. Mexico and Latin America have been locations where sex tourism, particularly with children, has been occurring. It is estimated that 2 million children are forced into prostitution for the purpose of providing services to foreign travelers U. Children are also used for organ trafficking. It is not uncommon in locales such as India for children to be abducted, nurtured, and then killed for the sole purpose of selling their organs to the highest bidder.

However, the sale of organs is so lucrative that some adults around the world consent to research papers on human trafficking their organs so that they may be shipped to other countries N. Hughes, It is important to note that although human trafficking is generally a transnational crime, the U. Department of State believes that thousands of children in the United States are trafficked within the borders of the country. Similarly, other countries report incidences of internal or domestic human trafficking, where victims are sold and enslaved in their own country.

For prosecution purposes in the United States, research papers on human trafficking, human trafficking is said to have occurred when a person is coerced or forced to labor against his or her will, regardless research papers on human trafficking the distance from where the victim was bought or sold to where he or she is eventually compelled to work.

In fact, moving a person from one location to another is irrelevant to a determination research papers on human trafficking whether a crime of human trafficking has occurred.

The only relevant factors are whether the person was coerced or forced to labor against his or her will and whether the person is allowed to leave or flee his or her place of employment. Human trafficking is an elaborate crime that generally transpires over time.

As will be discussed later, factors such as global political and economic instability in certain regions of the world, together with large-scale and epidemic instances of poverty and disenfranchisement of entire groups of people, contribute to making humans vulnerable victims of human trafficking.

Because of these factors, it becomes too easy to trick individuals into believing that employment opportunities abroad will help alleviate their economic woes. Most victims of human trafficking are recruited and convinced to seek employment, usually in a foreign country Farr, Recruiters are all too often acquaintances and friends from their town and sometimes even their spouse or significant other. Promises of a better life are used to deceive victims who already desperately long for a way to financially provide for themselves and usually for their families as well, research papers on human trafficking.

At times, victims are recruited through advertisements in local newspapers, research papers on human trafficking. Again, the ads convey opportunities to work abroad as domestic servants, cooks, models, dancers, and anything else that would entice a person to answer such ads.

At first, those victims recruited for employment abroad are treated as valuable assets.

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Human Trafficking Research Paper - EssayEmpire

research papers on human trafficking

Comprehending the term “victim of human trafficking” as a classification in the sense of Ian Hacking (), we studied mundane institutional practices aimed at the classification of migrant sex workers as “victims of human trafficking” in German police offices, victim counselling centres, and in trials If you need help writing your assignment, please use our custom writing services and buy a paper on any of the criminal justice research paper topics. This sample research paper on human trafficking features: + words (33 pages), an outline, APA format in-text citations, and a bibliography with 35 sources An Introduction to Human Trafficking: Vulnerability, Impact and Action BACKGROUND PAPER The effort was led by Kristiina Kangaspunta of the UNODC Anti-Human Trafficking Unit, with the key papers researched and drafted by Michèle Clark, Judith research initiatives and creating an evidence-based report on global trafficking trends. 8. To

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