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Book report in little women

Book report in little women

book report in little women

Dec 08,  · Book Review of Little Women by Louisa May Alcott Little Women is an excellent, easy-to-read book that has delighted generations of readers. It’s the classic Civil Their mother fosters a creative childhood at home, including a friendship with a local boy, Laurie. The children come of This is Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins Dec 07,  · Book Report on Little Women. II. Characters. Margaret “Meg” March- Meg is 16 years old and the eldest. She is very pretty, with plump and fair skin. She has large eyes, soft brown hair and was quite vain. Josephine “Jo” March- Fifteen-year-old Jo is Jan 04,  · Little Women Book Report. Subject. Literature, Psychology; Category. Books, Identity; Topic. Book Report, Women; Paper type. Report; Pages 11; Words ; Views 77 Download. Cite Pages 11; Words ; Views 77 Academic anxiety? Get original paper in 3 hours and nail the task. Get your paper price Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins

Little Women Book Report | Novelguide

Alcott wrote the book in response to a request from her friends and family to write a book for young girls. The first novel was a huge success with readers and Alcott was inundated with letters requesting the second volume immediately. She quickly wrote the next volume to accommodate them.

The novel continues to be very widely read and the ambitious female characters in it contributed to the rise of feminism in 20 century America. It revolves around the story of the four March sisters and their lives as they grow into adults.

The girls must contend with learning book report in little women become good women and learning about who they are as people with the help of their mother and father. Many years of their lives are covered during the course of the book and in the end, they are all married mothers with happy lives. The four daughters of the March family are gathered book report in little women the living room of their simple home.

Each girl has one dollar to her name but their mother feels that it is wasteful to spend money on Christmas presents during war time. The girls lament that they are not able to buy anything for each other until they light upon the idea of using their dollar to each buy something for their mother, Marmee. The eldest girl, Meg is sixteen and very pretty, the second girl Jo is fifteen and a bit of a tomboy who is quick to anger. Third is Beth, who is a quiet girl and thirteen.

And last is Amy who is twelve and a musician. March was deemed too old to be a soldier in the Union Army. He signed up to be a chaplain instead and is away. The March family misses him very much and the girls gather around their mother to read his newest letter that evening by the fire.

Their father urges them to be good so that when he returns he may be fonder and prouder than ever of my little women. The girls all decide to play a game where they try to improve one thing about themselves. Meg decided to be less vain, Jo to be more feminine, Beth to be less shy and Amy to be less selfish. Their mother promises to help them on this journey as she can and to give them all etiquette guidebooks.

The next morning, the girls awake to find book report in little women guidebooks under their pillows. The girls surprise their mother with the gifts that they have bought for her and she is very pleased and touched.

Friends of the family gather to watch a play that Jo has written and the girls are acting in. The play goes well despite a few prop mishaps and the family as well as their friends enjoy a nice Christmas feast afterward.

The feast is a gift from Mr. Laurence, the kindly rich man who lives next door to them. Jo worried about being perceived as ladylike especially as her best dress has a burn mark on it and her gloves are stained with Lemonade. During the party, Jo meets Theodore Laurence, book report in little women, the nephew of her neighbor. He tells her to call him Laurie and the two get along because of their matching interest in boyish games.

Meg resents this as she remembers a time when Mr. March had more money before he lost his property. Meg is the governess for a wealthy family named King. Jo works as a helper for their stuffy Great Aunt March. Beth stays at home and helps the March maid, Hannah. Amy attends school and is popular among her classmates. One day, Jo decides she wants to get to know Laurie. She throws a snowball at his window in order to get his attention and finds out that he has a head cold and is bored of staying in his bed.

He invites her in and the other sisters all send gifts over for him. Beth lends her cats to Laurie and he plays with them and forgets his shyness. Laurence stumbles across Jo in the library and the two decide to have tea together. Jo brings up that she feels that Laurie needs more company and that he is lonely. Laurence agrees that he does and decides that Laurie should spend more time with the March family. Laurie comes back and plays the piano for Jo and his grandfather.

This visibly upsets Mr, book report in little women. Laurence and when Jo goes home later she learns that Mr. The couple died and Mr, book report in little women. Laurence took in Laurie to raise. Beth agrees and begins to play the piano daily. It is a dream come true for her to play on such an expensive piano, book report in little women.

To show her gratitude, Beth makes Mr. Laurence a pair of slippers and Mr. Laurence decides to give her the old piano that his granddaughter used to book report in little women. Beth and Mr.

Laurence become friends after this. Amy buys her classmates at school a jar of pickled limes to share and breaks the school rules in the process. Her teacher punishes her by swatting her palm and making her stand in front of the class until lunchtime. This experience is humiliating for Amy as she has never been punished like this before.

She leaves school and goes home of her own volition. Marmee scolds Amy for her conduct but withdraws her from school nonetheless. In retribution for not being allowed to go to the theater with Laurie, Meg and Jo, Amy burns up a manuscript book that Jo had been writing in.

Amy realizes that she was wrong but Jo is not willing to forgive. The next day, Laurie and Jo go ice skating and Amy follows, book report in little women. Jo refuses to tell Amy which ice is safe to skate on and she falls through. Laurie and Jo manage to save her. Once they get back home, book report in little women, Jo admits to her mother that she was so angry at Amy that she made a mistake and nearly killed her, book report in little women.

Marmee confesses to Jo that she, too had a bad temper at her age but she later learned to control it. Jo takes comfort in this and vows to never let her anger get the better of her again.

That spring, Meg goes to spend two weeks with her friend, Annie Moffat, a wealthy girl. Meg is upset that she does not have nicer things to bring but reminds herself to be grateful for the opportunity, book report in little women.

Meg is upset more by the fact that her friends are gossiping about her than the idea that her mother would want her to marry Laurie. She cries that night and the next morning her friends are kinder to her. This amuses Meg. Another book report in little women, Belle offers to lend Meg a dress for the next party.

Meg agrees and finds that the high society people are nicer to her and pay her more attention when she is better dressed. Meg agrees that she feels uncomfortable with the attention and how she is expected to act. Marmee regrets sending her but Meg insists that she is thankful for the experience as she feels it taught her a lesson. Marmee explains to her daughters that she does not wish for them to marry rich so much as she wants them to grow to be good women and find loving husbands.

She trusts that truly good men will not be put off by their poverty. The following summer, Meg, and Jo receive three months off from work as their employers are busy elsewhere, book report in little women.

They decide to spend the summer resting and having fun. Marmee agrees to give them one week with nothing to do but warns that they will miss having some work to balance the fun.

Soon, the girls discover that she is right and that they are bored. Beth soon realizes that she forgot to feed her bird, Pip all week and that he has died.

The girls have a small funeral for him. Marmee asks them if they enjoyed the experience. They confirm that the book report in little women grew annoying and there was much book report in little women to catch up on when they started again.

Marmee explains that work helps them feel independent and useful. One day that summer, Meg receives a poem and a glove from a man named Mr. Marmee begins to wonder what his intentions toward Meg are. However, another boy, Ned Moffat is also interested in Meg. He makes his intentions clearer but Meg does not flirt with him as she does not want to stir more gossip.

The girls and Laurie have a picnic. The girls describe what they want for their future. Meg wants a nice home filled with kind people that she loves and nice things, Jo wants to be an author, Amy wants to go to Rome and be an artist and Beth only wishes to stay at home. Laurie confesses that he is worried his grandfather will make him go into the family business which he does not want to do.

Meg tells him to be dutiful to his grandfather but Jo encourages him to go his own way. That evening, Laurie decides to stay with his grandfather and give up on the idea of being a musician. Laurie and Jo bump into each other in town and Jo reveals that she has been to the newspaper and left two stories there. She is waiting to see if they will be printed.

Last Minute Book Reports Little Women

, time: 1:26

Writing a 'Little Women' Book Report

book report in little women

Dec 08,  · Book Review of Little Women by Louisa May Alcott Little Women is an excellent, easy-to-read book that has delighted generations of readers. It’s the classic Civil Their mother fosters a creative childhood at home, including a friendship with a local boy, Laurie. The children come of This is Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins Little Women Book Report In , Louisa May Alcott wrote the book Little Women in "response to a publisher's request for a 'girl's book'". Louisa wrote this book by calling upon her own memories of her childhood and putting them down on paper Jan 04,  · Little Women Book Report. Subject. Literature, Psychology; Category. Books, Identity; Topic. Book Report, Women; Paper type. Report; Pages 11; Words ; Views 77 Download. Cite Pages 11; Words ; Views 77 Academic anxiety? Get original paper in 3 hours and nail the task. Get your paper price Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins

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