Our biophysics homework helpers will assist you to complete your studies with no retakes. They also ensure that you grasp the concepts available in your entire coursework. Some learners are best-endowed in experiments but lack adequate essay writing skills biophysics homework help An interdisciplinary science, biophysics adopts the scientific procedures traditionally used in physics and applies them to examine biological phenomenon Engineering Biophysics Homework Problem Sets Handout The Homework Problem Sets consist of problem sets from the Selected Problems in Engineering Biophysics. BME Each problem set counts for 3% x 4 = 12% of your final grade
Section 1: Proteins and Motifs: Homework section I – Biophysics
Home » Section 1: Proteins and Motifs: Homework section I. The copy of the homework on the web will have active links to various pages. If you find any dead links please email me immediately. The reference format for journal articles I would like you to use in this class is. Last name, first initials for all authors year Full title of paper vol, first page-last page. For example, Zhang, J.
and Kim, J. If you are using information from a web site then give me the full URL. Give me a brief definition, biophysics homework. Give me the reference for each piece of information, biophysics homework. DEFINE -a Mitochondria and Chloroplast -b Heme and quinone -c van der Waals forces -d pKa of an acid -e protein backbone; protein side chain.
Other reviews of mitochondrial proteins that may be of interest are from Rich you can find this paper on Dropbox also as RichEssays Biochem. pdf good for question d and from Newmeyer you can find this paper on Biophysics homework also as NewmeyerCell. pdf more biological, biophysics homework.
a Write out the reference to the three papers using the form described above. b What is the overall reactant and product of oxidative phosphorylation? c 5 proteins are described as Complex I-V. Biophysics homework are the products and reactants for each protein? The answer will show you that the name tells you the function, biophysics homework.
An example of the desired answers are given for complex 1. Write out the answers for the other 4 complexes, biophysics homework. Complex I is known as the NADH: ubiquinone oxidoreductase — It takes electrons from NADH oxidizing it and gives them to ubiquinone reducing that. This process is described by the name, biophysics homework. Protons are pumped across the membrane when this happens.
d List the non-amino acid cofactors shown for each protein. Complex I contains 1 flavin mononucleotide, seven or eight different FeS centers, covalently bound lipid and a quinone molecule.
e use in the membrane proteins of known structure to find the Protein Databank 4 letter code for one structure of each of the 5 proteins. What structure has the best resolution lowest number Å? When that structure was solved? For biophysics homework I: 14 structures are available from 6 different organisms List organisms. Best resolution 3RKO at 3. The most complete structure is 4HEA. You can see Electron Transport Chain Complexes: Complex I there.
Look at one of the proteins in the Protein data bank. If you click on the 4 letter code it will take you to the file for the structure. a What is the difference between how an biophysics homework channel and an ion pump work? b Does a channel make a biophysics homework or dissipate a gradient? Does a pump make a gradient or dissipate a gradient? c What would happen if you put a channel and a pump together biophysics homework the biophysics homework membrane?
You can modify this based on your caloric intake. I will assign mostly review articles for class reading. However, for your paper, you will need to read several primary research papers. You will need to through many papers to decide which few you will spend the time to read very carefully.
Start with the web sites of interest page. I suggest you download one of the molecular graphics packages I will use Chimera PYMOL biophysics homework, VMDRasmolSwiss PDB viewer are all ok.
I will use PYMOL in class. CHIMERA may be the easiest. You may also be able to do a fair amount of work using the Java Server at the RCSB site. Look up amino acids in the Wikipedia or GOOGLE, Amino acid web sites Indiana Biophysics homework basic chemistry of Biomolecules pageLook at the protein chapter in the Indiana State Protein structure and analysis Find real cell biology or biochemistry textbook and look up amino acids and protein synthesis.
Papers that connect biology to chemistry Can biological phenomena be understood by humans? link The Biological Frontier of Physics. Why cells use a proton gradient? Review of the physics of proton gradients. Why proton gradients may have been chosen by life.
Possible evolution of proton motive force. Make use of the Introduction to protein structure chapter for this assignment. This homework is repetitive — but I want you to begin to get a feel for the properties of biophysics homework amino acids, biophysics homework. org site using their visualization tool.
Glycine ; Three letter name Gly ; and its 1 letter name G — On the print out: Label which is S small ; M medium ; and L large in size this is a bit subjective. Draw a dipeptide Ala-Val. You need to combine 2 amino acids to form a peptide bond, biophysics homework. Circle the peptide bond; circle each amino acid; and label each side chain. Give me the reference you used for the definition, biophysics homework.
Look at the genetic code — notice 6 amino acids are grouped with the biophysics homework first two letters. List which amino acids are grouped together e, biophysics homework.
g phe and leu both use UU as the first 2 letters. In what ways are the pairs of amino acids using the same first 2 letters in their codon similar and how are they dissimilar? The more positive the number along the diagonal the more likely this amino acid is to be conserved. List the most and least conserved amino acids and comment on what kinds of residues they are. The off-diagonal elements tell the likelihood of one amino acid being exchanged biophysics homework another during evolution.
Positives are more likely, biophysics homework, negatives less so. They have the same shape with one of the O in Glu exchanged for an N in the Gln. However, Glu is often negatively charged while Gln must be neutral.
There are several figures showing all 20 amino acids. Many sorts of the amino acids differently. Find 3 different classifications. Record the URL. You may want to look at the figure here for a Venn diagram. Give me a definition of the pK biophysics homework an acid or base and the reference you used. what reference did you use?
What is the pK of the n-terminal and the c-terminal? Is this value for just the side chain or for the whole amino acid? Compare the molecular biophysics homework with the hydrophobicity of these residues.
Use this hydrophobicity scale, biophysics homework. There are 4 groups circled. What properties do the amino acids in each circle have in common? Which has a better correlation?
Use data at Rockefeller site. If you use another data source give me the reference. Is there a correlation if you look at all amino acids? What if you separate them into different categories? This includes a short film biophysics homework each one. Look at the ionic equilibria review page pH dependence of residue charge: isolated aa Membrane proteins.
Look at the Experimentally determined hydrophobicity scale. Other pictures for secondary structures. helix; hbd in helix and strand and sheets. Papers describing the protein database are by Rose and Rose If you are interested in the history of Biophysics homework you can see papers by Berman and by Goodsell.
Download Chimera or another visualization program.
My Graduate Physics Homework Grades
, time: 7:56Syllabus for Biophysics
Biophysics Study Resources. Need some extra help with Biophysics? Browse notes, questions, homework, exams and much more, covering Biophysics and many other concepts Homework Number: Assignment, Due Date: Links: HW #1 Due: Feb Create an OWW Account and list yourself on our People Page. Read Nelson Chapter Homework Problem Nelson # Solutions: HW #2 Due: Feb (1) Read Nelson Chapter (2) Ask or Answer a question related to our recent class content on the wiki page. (3) Nelson This is the first biophysics course taught by the Physics department. Participation of upper division students from other majors is strongly encouraged. The course will cover a wide range of topics, applying physical principles and techniques to different problems in biology
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